In Memoriam
We have been touched by our friends who fought a valiant fight. Their struggles inspire us to continue searching for matches for others in need.
Those recognized on this page represent a fraction of the thousands of individuals who have succumbed to the ravishes of leukemia and other blood diseases each year. Often times, a marrow or stem cell transplant is the only means for patients to fight these deadly diseases and find a cure. Our friends here represent the need to find quality matches for all patients with committed, potential donors. Sometimes matches are found but they are not close enough in the typings to have a successful outcome. In other instances, no matches were located in time to save or extend the life of the patient.
As Dr. Leonard Sender so succinctly stated, in honor of those who have lost their lives, please take the time to register to become a marrow donor.

Baby Trevor's Legacy has helped save many lives
In the Sacramento area, many have been inspired to 'NMDP' because of baby Trevor Kott. Trevor was born in October of 2006 and the day his parents were preparing to take him home, the doctor took them aside. He said, "I can't believe I'm telling you this, but we believe your son has leukemia." Trevor's mother Angela Kott said, "So, we never made it home. And his only home was a 10 by 10 hospital room for six months. A search for a bone marrow donor turned out the community, even went world wide, but no one was found in time to save Trevor's life. However, his story has been an inspiration for many."
May 31st, 1995 - June 14, 2004
Anthony also known as, "Ducky", lost his battle with leukemia at age 10. His dream was to become a police officer. Ducky is symbolic of the thousands of children each year, whose lives are needlessly cut short by leukemia and other cancers of the blood.
Anaheim Police Detective, December 3, 1960 – May 7, 2001
After a long struggle with leukemia and without ever being able to locate a life-saving marrow donor, Anaheim Police Department Detective Judi Harmon succumbed to her illness. She was able to achieve her life-long goal of being a detective and was recognized for her contributions to the Economic Crimes Unit and her volunteer work with at-risk youths through the Anaheim Union High School District.
September 18, 1949 – February 4, 2002
Honolulu Police Captain Alvin Nishimura was diagnosed with leukemia and in need of a marrow transplant. Two unrelated donors were identified for Captain Nishimura, but elected not to proceed through the process. A number of public safety agencies in Southern California who also had members stricken with leukemia began hosting marrow donor drives in the hopes of finding their loved ones a life-saving match. Although another match was found for Captain Nishimura, he later succumbed to the disease.
September 18, 1949 – February 4, 2002
Honolulu Police Captain Alvin Nishimura was diagnosed with leukemia and in need of a marrow transplant. Two unrelated donors were identified for Captain Nishimura, but elected not to proceed through the process. A number of public safety agencies in Southern California who also had members stricken with leukemia began hosting marrow donor drives in the hopes of finding their loved ones a life-saving match. Although another match was found for Captain Nishimura, he later succumbed to the disease.